
TimeLine 1947 to 2024

From its origins as a strategic outpost to its current status as a bustling urban center, Kohat has undergone significant transformation and growth over the decades. Despite facing challenges such as conflict, unrest, and economic fluctuations, the city has demonstrated resilience and adaptability. As Kohat looks towards the future, it remains committed to building upon its strengths and seizing new opportunities for growth and development. With its rich history, strategic location, and vibrant culture, Kohat is poised to continue its journey of progress and prosperity in the years to come.

1947: Kohat, situated in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, gains prominence as part of the newly formed nation following the partition of British India. The city's strategic location in the Kohat Pass makes it a vital military and trade route connecting the plains of Punjab with the mountainous regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

1950s: Kohat experiences rapid development and urbanization, spurred by its status as a garrison town and a center of military activity. The construction of military installations and infrastructure projects contributes to the city's growth, attracting settlers and traders from neighboring regions. Educational institutions, including Kohat University of Science and Technology, are established, enhancing the city's reputation as an educational hub in the region.

1960s: Kohat undergoes infrastructural development and modernization, with the expansion of road networks, utilities, and healthcare facilities. The city's economy diversifies, with the emergence of industries such as textiles, marble mining, and agriculture. Kohat University of Science and Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the intellectual and cultural landscape of the city.

1970s: Kohat becomes a focal point during the Afghan-Soviet War, as the city serves as a base for Afghan refugees and a staging ground for mujahideen fighters. The influx of refugees and the presence of armed groups contribute to social and economic challenges in the region. Despite the turmoil, efforts are made to maintain essential services and support the displaced population.

1980s: Kohat experiences a period of political instability and unrest, marked by sectarian violence and militant activity. The city becomes a target for terrorist attacks, leading to security concerns and disruptions to daily life. Efforts to restore peace and stability in Kohat are initiated, with increased security measures and government interventions.

1990s: Development projects aimed at rebuilding infrastructure and promoting economic growth are initiated in Kohat, laying the groundwork for the city's recovery. The restoration of law and order contributes to a sense of stability and confidence among residents. The city's commercial sector sees a revival, with new businesses opening and trade routes reopening.

2000s: Kohat emerges as a center for trade and commerce, with the revitalization of its commercial sector and the establishment of industrial zones. The city's proximity to the Afghanistan border makes it a key transit point for goods and services, contributing to its economic prosperity. Efforts to attract investment and promote entrepreneurship lead to the establishment of IT parks and technology incubators.

2010s: Kohat embraces technological advancements and digital innovation, with the establishment of IT parks and technology incubators. The city's IT sector experiences rapid growth, attracting investment and talent from across the country. Infrastructure development projects aimed at enhancing connectivity and accessibility within the region are undertaken, further stimulating economic growth.

2020s: Kohat continues to evolve and diversify, leveraging its strengths and opportunities to build a prosperous and sustainable community. The city's rich history, strategic location, and vibrant culture attract visitors and investors alike. With its resilient spirit and unwavering determination, Kohat remains a dynamic and thriving city in the heart of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.